Food & Beverage Photography


My first true passion! You provide the recipe and I'll do the rest! From ingredients shots to full table spreads - the possibilites are endless. Food & Beverage Photography really is the perfect way to show your audience just how delicious your product is. Images suitable for website, social media, print media, advertising & marketing campaigns.

Chocolate Mousse on colourful tiles - Natalie Mewing Photography
Sunny scene of Bircher Muesli on blue tiled surface - created by Natalie Mewing Photography
Green Curry on yellow tiled backdrop with person in green shirt - Natalie Mewing Photography
Blueberry Smoothie on purple tile with blue backdrop - Natalie Mewing Photography
Dalgona Coffee - captured by Natalie Mewing Photography
Natalie Mewing Photography - Falafel Salad
Natalie Mewing Photography - Falafel Salad Graphic
So Good Chocolate Mousse Ingredients - photographed by Natalie Mewing Photography
So Good Chocolate Mousse - photographed by Natalie Mewing Photography
So Good Cinnamon and Coconut Bread - photographed by Natalie Mewing Photography
So Good Coconut Pudding - photographed by Natalie Mewing Photography
So Good Green Curry - photographed by Natalie Mewing Photography
So Good Vegetarian Laksa - photographed by Natalie Mewing Photography
So Good Bluberry and Cashew Smoothie - photographed by Natalie Mewing Photography
So Good Sweet Potato Brownie - photographed by Natalie Mewing Photography